What we focus on

Clean, Safe and Adequate Water and Sanitation Transforms lives

WEWASAFO strives to unlock human potential through provision of reliable water projects to communities in Kenya who suffer needlessly from lack of access to Adequate, clean and safe water and proper sanitation.

For over 10 years, we have pioneered safe water and sanitation solutions through W.A.S.H programs, Giving women hope, an Education and good health for children and a better future for the communities. We ensure this is possible by helping communities in Western region gain access to clean, safe water by providing training, expertise and financial support for water projects construction. We are committed to help reduce the water crisis in the area. Through this we hope for families, women and children to be uplifted. 

As an organization WEWASAFO is taking action by; constructing  large rainwater catchment tanks and Ventilated Improved latrines(V.I.P) in schools, Protection of springs, shallow wells and construction of household latrines in communities. We conduct hygiene Evaluation in Schools, using C.T.C and P.H..A.S.T methodology and lead the formation and support of School Health Clubs. In Communities we promote hygiene by facilitating hygiene trainings, getting Community Health Volunteers (C.H.Vs)  and establishing of Water and Sanitation management committees at village levels.

    To join the WEWASAFO platform

    Don’t Hesitate to get in touch 

    The reason we do this work is because of what we believe. This distinction allows us to work with people of all backgrounds and faiths for the benefit of all people. Our projects do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, ethnic or religious backgrounds. We serve others.

    Facing any problem and inquiries!